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New Book
Inquisitiô (The three angels' message), tome IV. The situation regarding the attack of the false prophet and the apocalyptic bestial lamb against God’s law and prophecy

(Revised and supplemented version – reissue from 09/17/2023)

Thanks to my friend Nicole 

Before telling you about her, I would like to invite you to pause for a moment, to present a reality that is directly related to the text of [Romans 13 verse 7].

This text invites us, among other things, to give the honor to whom it should go. Based on this text, I'm going to tell you about my friend Nicole, and to do this, I would tell you that she has collaborated on all my books, including this one, giving shape to my words and by magnifying my ideas without altering them.

It is she who gives meaning to my ideas and manages to faithfully transcribe my thought by giving it a lighter tone.

However, she worked, and still works, knowing that these books will be offered free of charge in digital format. So the precious help she gives me is not interested, because she acts only out of love for God, out of passion for writing and to support me.

In return, for all this graciously granted time, I ask you to carry her and her family in prayer and your blessing be granted to them, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Master.

By way of introduction, I would say that this book that you have in your hands presents the iniquitous works that the Seventh-day Adventist religion practices, as well as the plans that have been inspired to me by the Spirit of God in order to reform this religion.

This book is the last call to repentance that the Lord, in his great mercy, has given me to present to this religion, because of the acts practiced that do not revere him.

Now that these points have been made, and in order to get to the heart of the matter, I would say that in these lines I am exposing to you the works of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which presents itself as the defender of the faith and the word of God, but which works like the very ones it condemns.

My words concerning the iniquity of the works of this religion might seem foolish, so much so does it give the world the image of a place where the word of God is honored and where no works of darkness remain, like “skeletons in closets”. We will see that it is quite different.

I will show you, through the doctrinal precepts of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, highlighted by the Bible, how these foundations are iniquitous and do not serve God, on the contrary.

In order to present you with the main lines of the errors of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, we must begin with the foundations on which this Church was built, then developed to come to what is, in this decade, the basis of the dogma that this religion professes.

As a preamble, I would like to tell you that several decades ago the Lord raised up a “frail little plant”, which he established in his lifetime as a prophetess, her name was Ellen G. White.

The Spirit of God gave her the task of carrying the message of the three angels of Revelation, among others.

The main purpose of this three-pronged message is to lead us to give glory to the Lord! It also presents his judgment whose time has come, calls mankind to repentance and invites us all to reject all doctrine that is not of the Lord.

This message also presents the final fate that will be reserved for those who reject the Lord to serve the doctrines of men and finally, it aims to bring the Papacy and its henchmen to ruin.

The humble servant of the Lord, Ellen G. White, received from the Spirit of God new prophetic revelations, which present the hidden and iniquitous works of the Papacy, and which are brought to light by the message of the three angels of Revelation.

In doing so, she left precise instructions with her pen so that Seventh-day Adventists could never unite with that iniquitous being, the Papacy. She also presents the influence that the popes have and will have on the nations, and the legislative bodies that manage the world, so Mrs. White during her lifetime urged the Seventh-day Adventist people to never enter into such unions.

In addition to these instructions and recommendations, she left a sword, flaming and powerful, to enable the world to know the true face of the papacy and the iniquitous doctrines professed by the Catholic Church, which is the book “The Great Controversy”.

Unfortunately, in this generation, with a wave of his hand, Adventist leader Ted N. C. Wilson has perverted all those foundations instituted by Mrs. White, upon which the Adventist faith is based. This man has denied the foundations of the faith of his religion by disavowing the book “The Great Controversy” written by the pen of Ellen G. White.

He went so far as to ask Pope Francis for forgiveness because 700,000 of these books were distributed during one of the pontiff's visits to America. Ted N.C. Wilson also called for a union between Adventists and Catholics.

He also established agreements with the United Nations, something previously unimaginable. All this may seem harmless, and even for some people it may indicate a great openness of mind, but when we lift the veil of appearances and look at the reality of life, we understand the nonsense of the new positioning of this religion.

To do this, I am going to ask you a question:

Can we profess at the same time a thing and its opposite. For example: can one declare oneself against abortion and be pro-abortion at the same time? Or, can we at the same time fight against the laws that allow everyone in America to own a gun while we ourselves have a that we keep warm in a drawer?


Thus, the Seventh-day Adventist religion cannot on the one hand declare that its dogma is based on the writings of Ellen G. White and on the other hand, deny these teachings by practicing what it has proscribed.

Thus, either the Seventh-day Adventist Church emancipates itself from the rules of Ellen G. White, and practices new doctrines, or this religion remains in its old ways and practices what its late charismatic prophetess established.

For the moment, we are far from these two extremes, because this religion has come to practice mixed doctrines, which are a mixture of the teachings that Mrs. Ellen G. White left and those coming from the Catholic dogma.

A concrete example is the reality of the “remnant church”, this religion lived it in the time of Mrs. White who as a prophetess of the Lord had the gift of prophecy, which consists in the Lord speaking to one of his prophets or prophetesses in dreams or visions.

Mrs. White received many visions and some dreams through which she guided the Seventh-day Adventist people. She also recognized that the Spirit of Prophecy consists of God speaking to His prophets in dreams and visions.

In contrast to all this, decades after Mrs. White's death, having no more prophets in its ranks the Seventh-day Adventist Church perverted these foundations.

In their place were instituted the iniquitous precepts of the Catholic Church which have been revised and watered down to the Seventh-day Adventist “sauce”.

Among these precepts we find the baptism of children or the desecration of dreams and visions.

We will also see how through these baptisteries, the Seventh-day Adventist Church does not worship God. On the contrary, it hands over, bound hand and foot, those who are going to be baptized. Unbelievable! You will see to whom and how.

We will also see, while this religion claims to be the guardian of the Sabbath, how in the middle of the Sabbath, it transgresses the commandment of the Lord that “the left hand cannot know what the right hand is doing”.

I am also going to present to you the sectarian and outlaw works that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has put in place and which allows it, through psychological coercion, to rob its members of several million dollars a year and this for decades, through the tithes and offerings that it forces them to pay to it.

All that I have just stated, I will demonstrate to you through biblical, legal, legislative texts and doctrines established by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I will go on to say that I had to cross the spiritual sword with this religion, but because of its financial power and its fame, I left more than “feathers” there.

My young wife, at the time, put me in a dilemma, stop writing against this religion, which was once ours, or divorce me. I chose to remain faithful to the Lord. The repercussions were my divorce and the estrangement of my son, whom his mother took to live eight thousand miles away from me.

Nevertheless, having come of age, he has come back to me for about two years and we are getting to know each other again, but I have not yet seen him physically for more than 14, very long, years...

To finish, in order to be fair, I also present you with a summary of my life and you will see how the Lord has the ability to take a man out of total decay to make him one of his servants, the objective being that all glory should go to him alone, the Almighty!

Presentation of the book entitled: Inquisitiô (The three angels' message), tome IV. The situation regarding the attack of the false prophet and the apocalyptic bestial lamb against God’s law and prophecy

Les vidéos promotionnelles

(Le message des trois anges) 
La grâce annule-t-elle la loi ?


La résurgence des œuvres de la petite corne en ce siècle.

Interview sur Zouk Tv. Martinique.

Vidéo de l'émission « Quoi de 9 » de « Zouk TV » de 2007 présentant le livre numérique « Le monde des rêves dévoilés ». Ce dernier est devenu aujourd'hui le livre en format papier « Inquisitiô tome II (Support du séminaire sur le thème : vivre mieux ses rêves et ses visions) version avec images en couleur » 



(Of Feather and actions)

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