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Inquisitiô (The three angels' message), tome III. The reality of the attack of the little horn of Daniel 7 against the Law of God and the times of prophecy. Prophetic part
(Revised and supplemented version – reissue from 09/17/2023)

Thanks to my friend Nicole 

Before telling you about her, I would like to invite you to pause for a moment, to present a reality that is directly related to the text of [Romans 13 verse 7].

This text invites us, among other things, to give the honor to whom it should go. Based on this text, I'm going to tell you about my friend Nicole, and to do this, I would tell you that she has collaborated on all my books, including this one, giving shape to my words and by magnifying my ideas without altering them.

It is she who gives meaning to my ideas and manages to faithfully transcribe my thought by giving it a lighter tone.

However, she worked, and still works, knowing that these books will be offered free of charge in digital format. So the precious help she gives me is not interested, because she acts only out of love for God, out of passion for writing and to support me.

In return, for all this graciously granted time, I ask you to carry her and her family in prayer and your blessing be granted to them, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Master.

To get to the heart of the matter, I would like to tell you that, in a world that is invisible to us, tragedies are currently taking place whose repercussions for humanity are worse than those recounted by the Greeks. Their consequences being the death of the greatest number of people both literally and spiritually.

As far as physical deaths are concerned I know that you will certainly not disagree with me, because all of humanity has been under the yoke of the deadly Coronavirus for many months.

This scourge has wreaked and continues to wreak havoc across the face of the earth, holding all nations hostage and decimating their populations. Faced with this dramatic and unprecedented situation, questions are pouring in:

Where does this disease come from? Is it a virus that originated in nature and which has mutated? Or is it a chemical weapon, created intentionally? And if so, why is this virus in the wild? And if so, how did this virus get into the wild?

Has it been inadvertently released, or is it part of a conspiracy by an obscure group to destroy much of humanity?


As I am not a scientist or an investigator for the secret service, I cannot answer you, but, I can tell you who is behind all of the diseases and calamities which strike the world. To discover his identity, I invite you to read the texts of [Job 1] and [Job 2].

In these lines we see how Satan killed Job’s children. To do this, he used high winds to simultaneously batter the four corners of the house where they were gathered. The devil also manipulated bloodthirsty tribes to kill Job's servants in order to steal his flocks.

We also discover how the devil controls and uses disease.

He struck Job down with an ulcer that left sores all over his body.

In [Matthew 24] and [Luke 21 verses 10-36], we get a hint of what the final days will be like, there will be wars, diseases, famines, etc. By reading this, we understand that it is the devil who is at the helm.

The purpose of all of these things is to mark the end of the world and to let us know that we live in the century when the devil runs amok, because he knows he has little time left and that's why he is unleashed like a hungry lion

The devil is always at work when there is trouble in the air and he will soon inflict another tragedy on humanity much worse than Covid 19 and here I am talking about the mark of the beast! It will be a spiritual tragedy and will lead to the loss of millions of people.

Whoever receives this mark will end up burning in the lake of fire and brimstone and whoever does not have it will not be able to “buy” or “sell” and will be killed by an iniquitous entity which is an apocalyptic lamb with two horns.

As we shall see, only the “saints” will be spared!

This eminently strange being, although he is the one who bestows the mark of the beast, the latter does not belong to him.

He who is, is a beast with seven heads and ten horns, who serves the devil. The mark of the beast is therefore by extension the mark of the demon! It thus appears that two choices will soon be offered to all of humanity:

The first is to receive the mark of the beast which is acquired by revering the devil, rejecting the Lord or his Word.

The second choice is to remain faithful to God and to be sealed by the Holy Spirit to avoid the grip of the demon and his minions.


What we have just seen is the core of the message of the three angels of the apocalypse, the gist of which is the plea to leave Babylon, which practises the works of the lamb-like two-horned beast.

This leads, as we have seen, to receiving the mark of the beast, without which no one can buy or sell.

We will also see how over the centuries God’s people, the Lord’s beautiful and delicate bride, came to copulate with the beast and worse, like a courtesan, she has conceived illegitimate children with her iniquitous lover. In these lines we will lift the veil on the identity of Babylon the Great (the sultry horsewoman who rides a scarlet beast).

We will also decipher the reality hidden behind the mark of the beast which, in the Book of Revelation, seems to come out of nowhere and will afflict vast numbers of people.

For many, it would be an implanted chip, by means of vaccines against covid 19. However, is that what the Bible tells us about this?

We will see it! We will also see the literal reality behind the “sell and buy” symbols inseparable from the mark of the beast. Is it literal money here? Are they not rather prophetic symbols, presenting a completely different reality, which is in no way monetary?

We will see it! In addition, we will also do a study on how God’s seal works (without which no one will be able to have access to the Kingdom of God) and will find out about its nature and how it is obtained.

The seal of God and of Christ being directly linked to obedience to the Holy Scriptures, we will first see the place occupied by God’s law and especially the Sabbath in the great cosmic conflict between Satan and his fallen angels (demons) and God, those holy angels and the Lord's chosen people.

The devil’s greatest need is not to be judged and that’s why his supreme goal is to seduce God’s faithful children, if he possibly can [Matthew 24 verse 24].

The devil does this with the primary purpose of making God’s people unworthy, because he is the one who will have to judge them ; In order to achieve his ends, he infiltrated his servants among God’s people who, while serving him (the devil), gave themselves the facade of holiness [1 Corinthians 6 verses 2-3], [2 Corinthians 11 verses 13-15].

The most powerful, the most virulent and the bloodiest of his servants is presented prophetically as a little horn, which will martyr, despoil and kill, God’s people. His mission will also be to try to change times and the law [Daniel 7 verses 23-27].

We will discover how the plans of the devil to take out of the hands of the people of God these two powerful weapons, the law and the times – these times are, as we shall see, in fact those of prophecy – have been fully realized through his powerful servant called the little horn.


The attacks of this iniquitous being are aimed at making God's people unfit to be with Jesus upon his return. In order to understand this, we must first of all know that this people that Christ will seek upon his return is known as the remnant church.

The points that make them recognisable are that they keep the Lord’s commandments (therefore his holy law) and that they have the testimony of Jesus (the spirit of prophecy).

We will discover how keeping or not keeping God's law will decide who are God’s people and who belong to the devil. We will also discover how the law and God’s grace are complementary and according to the Lord must co-exist among his faithful people.

Once these basics have been established, we will continue our journey to the Holy Land, but we will make another type of stop.

We will stop to study the three most important days and nights in the history of mankind.

Without them no one would have been saved! To do this we will go to the foot of the bloody cross of Christ at Golgotha, then to the tomb of the King of kings and we will end our excursion with the resurrection of the Lord of lords.

Through historical and prophetic biblical texts, we will discover the mystery hiding behind the three days and three nights where, like Jonah, Jesus Christ had to remain in the grave.

Presentation of the book entitled: Inquisitiô (The three angels' message), tome III. The reality of the attack of the little horn of Daniel 7 against the Law of God and the times of prophecy. Prophetic part

Les vidéos promotionnelles

(Le message des trois anges) 
La grâce annule-t-elle la loi ?


La résurgence des œuvres de la petite corne en ce siècle.

Interview sur Zouk Tv. Martinique.

Vidéo de l'émission « Quoi de 9 » de « Zouk TV » de 2007 présentant le livre numérique « Le monde des rêves dévoilés ». Ce dernier est devenu aujourd'hui le livre en format papier « Inquisitiô tome II (Support du séminaire sur le thème : vivre mieux ses rêves et ses visions) version avec images en couleur » 



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