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New Book

Infamy of the State

(Reality of unconstitutional acts practiced by the French State in violation of its constitution).
(Revised and supplemented version – reissue from 25/12/2024)

Thanks to my friend Nicole 

Before telling you about her, I would like to invite you to pause for a moment, to present a reality that is directly related to the text of [Romans 13 verse 7].

This text invites us, among other things, to give the honor to whom it should go. Based on this text, I'm going to tell you about my friend Nicole, and to do this, I would tell you that she has collaborated on all my books, including this one, giving shape to my words and by magnifying my ideas without altering them.

It is she who gives meaning to my ideas and manages to faithfully transcribe my thought by giving it a lighter tone.

However, she worked, and still works, knowing that these books will be offered free of charge in digital format. So the precious help she gives me is not interested, because she acts only out of love for God, out of passion for writing and to support me.

In return, for all this graciously granted time, I ask you to carry her and her family in prayer and your blessing be granted to them, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Master.


Presentation of the book entitled: Infamy of the State (Reality of unconstitutional acts practiced by the French State in violation of its constitution).

To begin with, it is important to note that in order to change things, so that my rights are no longer violated by unconstitutional laws, I have taken legal action. My case is still ongoing. You will find in this book a compilation of the files that I have filed, supplemented by other important elements for the themes addressed.

This book is made up of two parts, the first is the legal file that I have set up in order to defend my rights and the second presents the research on realities linked to the abuses of Mr. MACRON's governments, having had to manage the health crisis, as well as other testimonies that I provide.

Please note that as a result, given the different nature of these two writings, the legal parts, taken from the files of my case, will present as the subject “Mr. MARGUERITE” instead of the personal pronoun “I”, used for the other part.

Thus, this book presents legal bases, from legislative texts that will allow all those who, like me, have suffered discrimination and financial losses due to the existence of these two illegal laws, vaccinal against covid 19 and Sunday (dominical), to defend themselves.

Thus, this book is not simply intended to present a story, but is also a “legal sword” that should help all those who have suffered, or are still suffering, harm because of these laws that I incriminate, to defend themselves.


To present to you what I have experienced, I will give you a strong image that symbolizes what the Sunday (dominical) and vaccinal laws against covid 19 have made me endure, for years and are still making me endure:

To do this, I would tell you that my story, if I could not prove that it really existed, thanks to the evidence that I provide, could easily pass for a B-series soap opera in bad taste.

And yet! It is indeed my life and the unconstitutional laws, Sunday (dominical) laws and vaccinal laws against covid 19, have come to undermine all my efforts, for my social integration. In hindsight, my feeling is to have been on a greased pole.

At the top is success, social integration, professional and personal fulfillment. Unfortunately, this mast is greased with the most viscous liquids, which are the legislative texts, unconstitutional, which carry both the vaccinal laws against covid 19 and the Sunday (dominical) laws.

Starting from nothing, I fought to reach the top of the mast, by willpower and by the grace of God, and I was able to touch the rewards so much expected, but lo and behold, the perfidious grease of these insidious laws made me slip and I find myself again at the foot of the mast.

From then on, my condition is much worse than before because I have been soiled by this pernicious grease that are these unconstitutional laws, which have stained my clothing. This is exactly the image that comes to mind when I think of everything that has happened and which makes me dizzy. Incredible!


I ask that justice be done, because until now, neither the President of the Republic, nor the ministers concerned, nor the high authorities established on public finances have seen fit to put in place what I am asking for and which is none other than to live in dignity and no longer be kept in precariousness by laws and administrations, which have exceeded their rights and prerogatives.


I come to you, through this book, so that we do not regress and that my story is not this exception, which demonstrates that the blood of those who established our Nation, France, has not flowed in vain. My goal is that those who have suffered under the iniquitous yoke of the Sunday (dominical) and vaccinal laws against covid 19, can be compensated.

Thus, in view of what has been presented in this book, I ask that justice be done to me, as well as to all those who like me, have suffered, under the rule of the vaccinal laws against covid 19, which themselves are unfounded, because they contravene the “Declaration of Helsinki” and by extension European law.

The same goes for those who have suffered and are still suffering because of the Sunday (dominical) laws, which are nevertheless unconstitutional. I ask that we can be compensated for the losses and abuses suffered, but at what price!

Unfortunately, this compensation will never be able to provide an answer and compensate for the pain of the families of those who, under the pain, have killed themselves because of the loss of their jobs.

Thus, it is not only the covid 19 virus that kills, but also unfair and unfounded laws established in complete illegality that have led or are still leading some to the grave prematurely.

For my part, I am alive, but the tears shed for our constitution (French) have been in vain.


To continue, I would like to tell you that it is important for me that you understand that these situations that I have been confronted with, I did not want them because, before coming to defend my case before the courts, I believed in the integrity of the Secular Republic that is France. and for which courageous men and women shed their blood and gave their lives, as early as 1789, during the French Revolution.

This, just like for the maroon negroes (Black Slaves Who Rebelled and Fought Against Slavery), in search of freedom, who rose up against the colonists.

Just before I could experience the unthinkable, I had faith in our secular republic that is France and in the fact that our constitution assured us, as citizens, that no powerful iniquitous person would come to mistreat a French citizen.

Yes, my naivety was very great, I admit it!


Unfortunately, considering my history, what was decreed at the beginning of the constitution (French), liberty, legality, fraternity seems to me, today, to be nothing more than a myth, a utopia. Indeed, what I suffered while the highest French authorities were aware of it and that nothing concrete has been put in place, is in my opinion, unworthy of a country such as France.


How can a strong nation, a Republic where human rights are the banner,allow a citizen who starts from nothing, and who does not want to remain a burden for his Nation, fights like a Lion in order to ensure a better future for his children and himself and who, having reached a status that makes him a Frenchman with an average income of 3500 euros, to be forced to receive as an income, for several months, less than the minimum subsistence, because of laws that flout Marianne, therefore our Nation (France) and to be lowered by those who, coming from the people, have sworn to serve the citizens. We will see it!

  • To you, who are reading me, can you imagine what I am going through? Often the best way to understand a person who is suffering because of a stone in their shoes is to wear them for a while.

    Can you, even for a moment, put on my clogs. I am just a simple Frenchman, I do not have a prestigious name or wealthy parent, I was only naive enough to believe in the values of the Republic (French), in this inestimable heritage that is our constitution that was bequeathed to us, at the cost of the blood, of men and women of great value?


I want you to know that despite the vicissitudes that have largely been my lot, in recent years, I continue to believe in, freedom, legality, fraternity and justice.

I will tell you my story, and I will tell you that I am coming out of this misadventure, sore.


You who read me, you remain on this day my last hope.

I would like to tell you, to you who read me, that I am convinced that my story and especially the facts that I present in this book will mark the spirits. At least, I believe it. May this book, that we took pleasure in writing and offering you, be the glimmer of hope that will open up better tomorrows.



(Of Feather and actions)

Culture is the lever allowing men to aspire to excellence.

Do not neglect it.

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