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Perle Noire
Perle Noire
(Of Feather and actions)
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Infamy of the State
(Reality of unconstitutional acts practiced by the French State in violation of its constitution).
(Revised and supplemented version – reissue from 12/25/2023)
I would like to point out that this integral version has been split into 4 booklets.
The purpose of these booklets is to provide you with a better reading experience and a more manageable and transportable format.
They will also make it easier for you to choose the theme that suits you. However, both the booklets are all made available to you in a digital format.
I invite you to download them:
Open Letter: Case to Repeal Catholic Sunday Law That Oppress Sabbath Observers and Shabbat Observers
To download the OPEN LETTER click on the button below:
Book :
Infamy of the State
(Reality of unconstitutional acts practiced by the French State in violation of its constitution).
To download the complete version of the book
click on the button below:
°Booklet 1: Of faith, suffering and action.
° New evidence on the responsibility of the civil servant Mr. Vincent GUILGAULT, as head of the FIP accounting department other categories, in the alleged external illegality.
° New evidence on the responsibility of the civil servant Mr. Rodolph SAUVONNET, as Regional Director of Public Finances of Martinique, in the alleged external illegality.
° New evidence on the responsibility of the civil servant Mr. Jérôme FOURNEL, as Director General of Public Finances, in the alleged external illegality.
° Presentation of the loss of opportunity and loss of earnings that the covid 19 vaccination laws generated against Mr. MARGUERITE.
° New evidence on the alleged internal illegality of the decrees relating to the solidarity fund.
° Presentation of the reality of Mr. MARGUERITE's rights discriminated against by the administrative court of Martinique in the context of his case.
° Brief career synopsis, philosophy of life and discriminatory oppression.
° Of Suffering and Ink.
To download the booklet 1 of the book click on the button below:
Booklet 2: the illegal nature of the vaccinal laws against covid 19.
On the alleged internal illegality of the vaccinal laws against covid 19.
° The reality of the legislative activation of the already programmed obsolescence of the vaccine laws against covid 19.
° Reality of the unconstitutional nature of the vaccinal laws against covid 19, which contravene the right of Mr. MARGUERITE, as a Frenchman, not to be vaccinated against Covid 19 because of his faith.
° Of Suffering and Ink.
To download the booklet 2 of the book click on the button below:
Booklet 3: the illegal nature of Sunday laws.
° Historical and legislative reality of the unconstitutional character of the Sunday laws.
° Reality of the unconstitutional nature of the Bailly report, an essential support governing the French Sunday laws.
° Open Letter: Case to Repeal Catholic Sunday Law That Oppress Sabbath Observers and Shabbat Observers.
° Of Suffering and Ink.
To download the booklet 3 of the book click on the button below:
Booklet 4: various realities to take into account.
° Bases presenting the responsibility incumbent on the French State for the harm suffered by Mr. MARGUERITE.
° Bases presenting the responsibility incumbent on the French State in the establishment of incomplete laws in the management of the discipline of civil servants who are at fault and in the damages they have caused to Mr. MARGUERITE.
° The reality of material and psychological damages and loss of opportunity generated by unconstitutional laws established in French legislation and the possibilities of financial compensation envisaged.
° The reality of the “mirror to larks” of the “vaccinal pass” instituted by the French government under cover of covid 19.
° The titanic fight between the clay pot and the iron pot, David and Goliath version.
° Of Suffering and Ink.
To download the booklet 4 of the book click on the button below:
May this file, which we have taken pleasure in writing and offering you, be the glimmer of hope that will open up a better tomorrow.
Of Suffering and Ink
To begin this part, I would say that generally in life, following the experiences that I live, particularly the negative ones, I sit down and reflect and in a spirit of prayer, I seek to understand what happened to me and the reasons for what I lived or suffered. With these established bases, in the case of Mr. Vincent GUILGAULT, this unjust civil servant, I looked for avenues of reflection to explain his behavior.
Have other people, like me, experienced these misadventures, these tribulations under his yoke? Could it be my basis of faith that poses a problem for him, because the very names of my companies demonstrate that I am a Christian, because the first is called Éditions Dieu t'aime sas (EDT SAS) which means in english Edition God loves you and the second has the trade name Éditions Galaad.
So, is this gentleman anti-Christian? Or is he a fanatical follower of the Catholic Church and is he aware of my books which denounce the abominable acts as well as the transgressions of the word of God which are behind this religion?
To discover these realities, I invite you to read my books entitled “Inquisitiô (The three angels' message), volume II The reality of the attack of the little horn of Daniel 7 against the Law of God and the times of prophecy. Historical part” and “Inquisitiô (The three angels' message), tome III. The reality of the attack of the little horn of Daniel 7 against the Law of God and the times of prophecy. Prophetic part”.
To continue, I would tell you that to this day I am fighting like a lion so that my cause is heard. In doing so, when I realized that the President of the Republic, Mr. MACRON and his government would not provide me with any concrete help, not wanting to give up and with a view to diversifying the potential possibilities of support, I therefore undertook to make my situation known to elected officials.
To do this, I wrote an open letter that I sent on August 10, 2021 to all French senators and deputies, on their messaging services available on the websites of the Senate and the National Assembly.
Unfortunately, no one intervened. Perhaps I was naive in hoping for a response? I also sent an email to the president of the territorial community of Martinique on the same date (August 10, 2021), from this side, ditto, no response.
No one wanted to hear me at the level of the State and other political bodies, in doing so, on this day, December 18, 2024, I find myself in a more critical situation than a homeless person. Has Mr. GUILGAULT's plan finally been achieved?
Do you realize that I asked for help from the representatives of the people, our deputies and our senators, more than three years ago and no follow-up was given, leaving me “macerate in my juice of suffering”.
That the upper echelons of the State do not deign to hear my cry is one thing, but that the representatives of the people, the elected officials who are supposed to represent us, do the same, that devastates me. What analysis can be drawn from what is happening to me?
How can we understand that no one has reacted, even by trying to inquire about my situation to know if what I am reporting is reality, especially since I have provided proof of what I am saying?
Nothing “abnormal” a priori about all this! A business leader can be prevented from working by the State, among other things because of the vaccinal laws against covid 19, therefore hindered in spite of himself and be broken, spolied by a civil servant, without anyone feeling concerned.
It is true that we know the administrative slowness but when I find myself with less than the minimum vital to live, does my case not deserve at least a verification of my statements?
To continue, I would say that the crowning glory of this affair is that this official whose name I have mentioned so many times, managed to bring a business leader who had two businesses that were beginning to prosper, to find himself in a worse financial situation than that of homeless people (SDF).
Here is an image that comes to mind when considering my situation:
I find myself like a man who was shipwrecked on a desert island with only a crate of canned goods for a living. On this island, there is no way to open these cans that do not have an easy opening. You can hit them with stones, but it only deforms them but does not open them because these cans are made of reinforced steel.
So, while there is a small fresh water point nearby, a cargo of canned goods that would have allowed him to live for months, here he is fainting, and on the verge of dying the most atrocious death, of hunger, on a load of canned goods.
This image represents well what I am experiencing because, on the one hand I have two companies, but I wasn't able to work there for months, because I am not vaccinated and the vaccinal laws against covid 19 forbade me to do so, while they themselves contravene the constitution.
On the other hand, this aid which could have allowed me to keep my head above water was no longer paid to me, because of the approximate handling of my file by this tax official. I have been living in great suffering for months!
Nevertheless, on this day, I realize that the ways of heaven are inscrutable and that the Lord guides us on the most incomprehensible paths so that we can work in his name.
When I took up the pen to write this book, my primary objective was simply to make my voice heard so that the blatant injustice of which I am a victim, under the yoke of Mr. GUILGAULT, would cease. To do this, I took several steps, I had, among other things, good hope of being heard by the President of the Republic, a deputy, a senator, the prefect of MARTINIQUE, a local elected official, etc. finally someone, but here it is, more than three years later none of them have moved.
I have already presented to you all the steps that I have put in place.
So, as already presented, at that time, things had become so difficult that I also intellectualized that from now on I was part of the “disadvantaged”, by submitting, at the beginning of February 2022, an application for aid to the CCAS of my city of residence.
My words are in no way pejorative, they simply come from the fact that it is generally those who are in great precariousness who approach this organization.
In response, I was granted aid of 200 euros, 100 of which were paid in February 2022 and the rest in March. This approach that I undertook at the CCAS left two feelings in me:
The first is the need to ensure that justice is done to me and that the unspeakable acts of this tax official, making me go from the state of business leader to that of begging, are known by as many people as possible.
The second feeling that drives me towards this approach is gratitude, because seeing myself reduced to such a condition which is certainly very difficult, but that the Lord opened this door to me, allowing me to have this help from the CCAS filled me with joy.
I am grateful to those who are part of the committee for the allocation of this aid within the Lamentin Town Hall (MARTINIQUE). May the Lord bless and protect you all, as well as your loved ones.
It is comforting for me to know that these structures are listening to the needs of the little people. Yes, I still have not “digested” the non-return of the senators, the deputies or the president of the CTM, while I am in this great precariousness.
I am aware that I am not the only one in this situation, but even just a response to show that our fate does not leave our elected representatives in complete indifference would have made all the difference.
Did France need a new poor person, did it need a new person on welfare, living on minimum social benefits?
Where is France going, if from now on the iniquitous (malicious), the powerful, can oppress, with complete impunity, the little people?!
So, having found myself alone with my pain, with no one to help me, I had to do what the Lord gives me to do best, dissect texts to extract the substantive marrow. It is with a pen of suffering that I do it.
The end result is that the primary reason for which I undertook to write, and which is the chapter entitled “New evidence on the responsibility of the civil servant Mr. Vincent GUILGAULT, as head of the FIP accounting department other categories, in the alleged external illegality”, has become secondary and an insignificant part of my work presented in this book.
Today, I glorify God for guiding me on this path, for allowing me to search for texts in order to present my right to defend myself and along the way, by dint of “to potasser (studying)”, I came across a gold mine of information that allowed me to go well beyond my initial approach.
So, today, I am given the opportunity to defend the cause of those not vaccinated against covid 19 who have been bullied, stigmatized. Why? While the various texts that I report in this book clearly show that there is a transgression of the law in what is put in place, by France but also by many countries.
Then, in a second step, the Spirit of God inspired me to fight for my rights as well as those of all Sabbath and Shabbat observers who have been oppressed by Sunday laws for centuries.
What more noble fight than that of shedding light on what women and men have experienced and where they have unjustly lost their lives, under the wrath of the black widow that is the Catholic Church, just because they had chosen to remain faithful to the Lord and rejected the dogma of this religion.
This is how the result of my sufferings under the yoke of this iniquitous official who works in taxes gave a result in three poles which ended up in this book forming only one, as if by a fusion, thus, in these pages all my struggles found the same setting (jewel case), to be able to express themselves.
To continue, I would like to tell you a secret:
I am not a lawyer, and these subjects that are dealt with in this work, until recently, just before I started writing, I did not master them at all, and the texts that I quote in these lines were for the most part unknown to me.
Amazing, you might say, why, especially with regard to the vaccinal laws against covid 19, have lawyers not carried out these analyses that are presented here? How can a neophyte have the audacity to present such a file?
In response, I would tell you that it is the Spirit of God who guided me to these texts and I want to glorify the Lord for this spiritual sword that he gives me to carry to you, singularly, to those who are suffering because of these discriminatory laws which, concerning the vaccinal laws, prevented them from carrying out their activities because they were not vaccinated against covid 19 or, within the framework of the Sunday laws, which force them to be unemployed, in spite of themselves on Sundays.
I know that for many of you, presenting the all-powerful of God and highlighting the magnificence of his works may seem pure madness.
And yet! Only the future will tell if the legal cases that I am carrying out and which are presented in this book will be favorable to me. If I win my case, especially in the case relating to the vaccinal laws against covid 19, it will be clear that the Lord is indeed on my side and that I have not lost my mind, his all-powerful will thus be recognized. Because where jurists, lawyers, deputies, senators etc., have not been able to defeat the vaccinal laws against covid 19, I, who do not have legal training, under the aegis of God, have been able to.
So, listen, because the future will tell us what it is!
Some might have capitulated, would not have laid themselves bare by revealing such difficult and personal elements, but writing helps me to externalize the unthinkable, especially since I do not endorse violence as a means of dialogue, because other means of expression to make oneself heard exist.
Proof of this is, because although unjustly oppressed, cornered, I do not resort to violence but to the pen, to make myself heard and I thank the Lord for what he has done with me (makes me become).
One of the realities that is mine on this day is that I will not give up, until justice is done to me, and I will cry out with all my soul against the abominations that I have suffered. In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, he the King of kings and the Lord of lords, all those who are at the origin of my downfall “will not have my skin”, I will fight to the end like a lion.
So, while the pitfalls present themselves like the Red Sea and the problems and difficulties follow me like the raging Egyptians. I am certainly destitute, but I continue to move forward despite life’s storms thanks to my faith and the fact that I know I serve a great God. So I know he will act, one way or another!
In doing so, one thing is certain, although I am weakened by this extremely difficult and damaging situation for me (you now know the details of the case), these people will not destroy me because, as I have indicated, the Lord gives me the ability to put, through my pen, my experiences and my feelings, it is my outlet.
This book was written in French and English, so my story which goes beyond understanding will be known beyond borders.
I am not asking for vengeance, I am letting God act in his time. My goal is that justice be done to me, as well as to all those who have suffered and are still suffering the repercussions of the vaccinal laws against covid 19 and the Sunday laws, which are nevertheless unconstitutional and who therefore do not have the right to be in France.
To continue, I would say that we have come a long way, so far!
Throughout these lines I am convinced that I have armed you, with a view to asserting your rights or those of all those who are or have been suffering under the iniquitous rule of the vaccinal laws against covid 19 and the Sunday laws.
With this argument, the fruit of my reflection, I would like to challenge you, whether you are French or an inhabitant of another part of the globe:
Now that you have read this book, do you think I am paranoid?
Do my words seem like quibbles to you?
Do you think that in this century, in this country that is France, which prides itself on being the country of human rights, that what I have experienced has a reason to exist?
Can a civil servant, in an iniquitous (malicious) manner and without any reason, torment a business leader by forcing him to close his doors and reducing him to a state of begging, without anyone protesting...?
Can a government, which is supposed to serve the people, in the country that has the reputation of being the country of human rights, with impunity enact discriminatory and baseless laws and decrees in order to oppress a part of its people, without anyone protesting?
Where have gone the law, justice, fraternity and chivalrous qualities that make the honor of the human being?
If you were in my place what would you do, or if you were in the place of these caregivers who find themselves without resources, because they chose in their soul and conscience not to be vaccinated against covid 19, or that of these Sabbath or Shabbat observers who suffer the iron yoke of Sunday laws what would you wish?
To you who are reading me, do not forget that my current pain and that of the unvaccinated against covid 19 who have been forced into unemployment, or that of the Sabbath or Shabbat observers who are hindered by these iniquitous Sunday laws, could well be yours, or that of one of your loved ones.
Well, what you would have wanted for yourself, do it for us!
Let your cries rise from the depths of the universe to denounce these abominations that we are made to experience as those who are not vaccinated against covid 19, or as Sabbath or Shabbat observers or that I lived under the yoke of Mr. Vincent GUILGAULT without the representatives of the State intervening.
I expect your help, do not wait for death to strike us to come with flowers, cry on our graves and set us up as martyrs of the system.
It is now that we need you, today is the day when you must act, not only so that justice is done for me, but even more, in order to deliver all those who have lost their jobs because ofthe vaccinal laws against covid 19 or the Sabbath or Shabbat observers who are dispossessed by Sunday laws.
It is up to us to change things, by the grace of God.
To do this, (again I give you a little biblical wink), one of the beautiful images I have of unity that brings victory is presented in [Ecclesiastes 4 verses 9-12, King James Bible] which establishes the following: “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”
This text in its essence, presents, for me, the union as making the strength. The victory of the Allies, despite their faith or their diverse convictions, during the Second World War, shows us the value of the unity of all against tyranny.
You must now act.
My fiancée Nicole and I have done more than our part, because this book, as you have been able to realize, which is the fruit of a long and hard work, we offer it to you, so that you can change things.
Indeed, in accordance with what the Spirit of God inspired me, this document had to be free, so that all those who feel concerned by the cause can read it and mobilize.
Share this support (book) with as many people as possible, by all means, by email, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc., I make it available to you in French and English, on my site. You will find these coordinates at the end of this chapter.
One of the blessings that God gave me was to touch the heart of my fiancée Nicole, so that she could agree to give shape to my ideas and correct this long document that you have in your hands in its French version.
Unfortunately, the correction could not be complete, since this file had to come out as soon as possible, so mistakes may remain, and we ask you to excuse us for this.
To continue, I would say that I have worked on average 8 to 12 hours a day on this file, in English and French versions, since October 2021 and I am in the process of finalizing it today, December 18, 2021.
The goal being that it comes out as soon as possible. At the same time, I continued, as I said, to work on my other works.
You received the fruit of this work for free.
In return, I have included a request for financial assistance that I am asking from those who will read me. Thus, even if I am currently in need, because of a situation beyond my control, I am hopeful of receiving help. Thanks to her, and this already makes me happy, I will be able to share my thoughts and convictions which will not fall into disuse.
My work will therefore not be in vain because it will, I am sure, enrich those who will read my books. So that you can understand my philosophy and my faith, I will present you with an allegory:
Imagine that you have an orange tree that gives you abundant oranges that are as sweet as honey, which you intend to sell.
However, situated where you are, no one knows that you have any for sale. As a result, your oranges rot on the tree while you are in need.
To change this situation, you make plans to sell them and to do so you present them at a fair so that as many people as possible can taste them.
Knowing that they are as sweet as you want them to be, you know that those who come and taste them will be conquered and that you will be able to live off your harvest.
This persona that I adopt to present my books may seem presumptuous to you.
Nethertheless, for me, my works are like oranges, since they are the fruit of extensive research and a lot of hard work. Given their content, I am confident that they will provide you with knowledge that will strengthen you.
I still have much to tell you through my books, which are in the process of being published.
I invite you, through their lines, to make new journeys. Before continuing, I would like to make it clear that I did not study literature, I am above all a passionate author not a writer.
I address various themes in my books, as is the case in this one, which are dear to my heart and which highlight my deep convictions. This love of writing came to me one day when I had to reflect on the fleeting duration of our life on Earth.
Many people have worked, enjoy the fruits of their labour during their lifetime, but often after their death there is nothing left of what they were, of their thoughts, or of their convictions. They go down into the grave and “wither away like the ether”.
I have no knowledge of what my forefathers were like. What their convictions were or what they did during their lives. All of this remains a mystery to me. Especially since I hail from the Caribbean, I come from a people who have experienced the chains and alienation of slavery. My need to write and my passion for words have stemmed from these reflections!
On the other hand, when I read books that great authors like Tertullian, Martin Luther or Ellen G. White, the great reformers, etc., wrote a long time ago, I get to know them and their writings strengthen me. My need to write and my passion for words have stemmed from these reflections!
My ambition in this life is neither wealth nor fame. My abiding goal is to bring my knowledge to this generation and to leave a literary legacy to future generations. My deepest wish is to convey my knowledge and convictions in writing in order to share my books with those who will enjoy them and who, I hope, will be imspired by them. There is still much to do.
If this book you have in your hands has strengthened you, I invite you to read and distribute my other works to as many people as possible, because they will certainly bring you knowledge that will certainly also be beneficial to you. Many of these books are, or will soon be, by the grace of God available for free download on my website.
Unfortunately for me, “money being the sinews of war”, since I have already invested all of my funds in the publishing of these first books that I presented to you before, in the section entitled “REMINDER OF FACTS AND PROCEDURE”, in doing so, I no longer have the means to continue this work. Indeed, apart from these books that I mentioned, I still have 5 other works (Book) that I have already put in place the framework but which are awaiting completion.
To conclude this beautiful journey that we have made thanks to this book, I would say to you that I hope that it will find its audience and that you, who will be led to read it, will not remain insensitive to this call for help that I address to you.
I therefore appeal to your generosity. If you have been touched by this book, please help me to continue to fortify and help the greatest number of people. To do this, if you feel like it, you have the possibility to make a donation on one of the tabs “Donate (with Paypal)” or “Faire un don (avec Paypal)” present on my site: kenny-ronald-marguerite.com. NB: (tab located on the screen, on the left for computers and at the bottom for the mobile phones).